Friday, July 10, 2020

Kitchen Measurements Activity (Cups/Spoons Edition)

Ages: Kindergarten - 6th grade

  • One large mixing bowl or bucket
  • Water
  • Basic assorted measuring cups (1/4c, 1/3c, 1/2c & 1c)
  • Basic assorted measuring spoons (1/8tsp,1/4tsp/tbsp, 1/3tsp/tbsp, 1/2tsp/tbsp, 1tsp/tbsp)
  • Liquid measuring cup (at least 2 cup capacity)
  • Food scale (optional)
  • Primary color food coloring (optional - red, yellow or blue)
  • One medium and small mixing bowl or bucket (optional if you choose to use food coloring)
Purpose: This activity helps gets kids familiar with kitchen measuring equipment and learning about educated guesses. The worksheet below gives them various tasks to perform to help them learn about measurements. This is a good activity when you are trying to introduce the cooking to your children and a fun way to introduce fractions.

Directions: I find it easier if the child stands above the workstation to make performing the tasks easier. Lay all your supplies out on your workstation and fill all your bowls with water. If you choose to use food coloring, leave the large bowl with regular water. Put one primary color in your medium bowl and another in your small bowl. Make sure you lay all measuring cups and spoons so the measurements display can be easily seen. You can skip the scale tasks if you don't have one. When you get to the tasks that require a scale, set it in front of your child and put the liquid measuring cup on it. Make sure you zero the scale before you begin putting the liquid in. 

Print out the worksheet and follow the instructions to complete the tasks. Print out in the link below.

Surprisingly it wasn't as messy as I thought it was going to be.

The following link will have you print out. Kitchen Measurement Worksheet.

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