Friday, June 12, 2020

Nutrition Week Sensory Activity (Fruit/Veggie Edition)

Make learning about fruits and vegetables fun. It's important to make sure that you include learning without work sheets. The following activity is a fun way to do it. 

- Blind fold, carboard box or trifold poster board. 
- Assorted fruits and vegetables
- Plate, bowl or paper towel

The purpose of this activity is not just for fun, but it's also a lesson in exploring inference by using various senses to navigate through daily living.

Sense of Touch
I used a trifold poster board and cut out two holes. You can also just use a blind fold or cardboard box.

Sense of Smell

Depending on how you display the fruit/veggies you may or may not want them to touch it. So you may want to have a plate or bowl on hand for them to pick up. 

Sense of Taste

I fed him because I didn't want him to get any hints by touching it. Alternatives you could use would be a fork and you can just pre-fork everything and then just put the fork in their hand. 

This activity provides a fun and exciting competition for the kids and very entertaining activity for the observers. I hope you enjoy!

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